Am 4. März steht alles im Zeichen von Data Privacy. Die virtuelle Veranstaltung „Heroes of Data Privacy“ gibt Einblicke in dieses spannende Themenfeld. Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch
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Data Privacy is the Name of the Game
Being both a curse and a blessing, companies that collect, process and activate data to run their website operations face (new) significant headwinds. And because of high levels of confusion, ignorance and inaction, few companies are prepared for what is to come. Thereby they risk a huge loss in performance, massive penalties and reputational damages.
For those professionals that want to stay ahead of the game, we convene industry experts to give you front-runner insights into:
- The legal landscape of online marketing and data analytics in 2022
- The latest developments in federal and local data protection regulations
- How to prepare for the inevitable – make data privacy your advantage